Meighan and Patrick
Back from Spain and what an amazing hunt! The training paid off in spades, thanks SAAM!
Meighan and Patrick
Back from Spain and what an amazing hunt! The training paid off in spades, thanks SAAM!
Meighan and Patrick
The SAAM training paid off, thank you!
Will and Libby
My dad and I spent the last week hunting West Texas, and were finally able to put what we learned, at the FTW, into action! The ram we identified was 391 yards away and I dialed in my scope. As we were waiting for him to turn, we began discussing wind speed, direction and hold (like we heard Dave and Fredo do countless times). The wind was howling from about 10 o’clock, so we decided on a 1.5 – 2 minute hold. The ram turned broadside, I dug in my toes and squeezed off a round. I saw him lurch forward in the scope, as the bullet struck inches behind the front shoulder. He ran 15-20 yards, back up the mountain, and stopped. By that time, I had already reloaded and touched off another round as insurance. (These guys are tough!) With the second hit, he crumpled! All-in-all, 3 – 4 seconds elapsed from beginning to end. You couldn’t possibly ask for a better outcome.
Thanks SAAM!
The SAAM Training Paid off again!!! Hume Argali and Mid Asian Ibex were tough shots but, I was ready and the DOPE cards worked perfectly!
Tim L.
440 yards, 1 shot. It didn’t even take a step, just dropped. I definitely wouldn’t have been able or confident enough to do that without you guys. Hopefully we will be down again next summer.