Thanks to your Safari course last July 2021 to give me confidence to make a running shot today on this old 58” free range Kudu.
Thanks to your Safari course last July 2021 to give me confidence to make a running shot today on this old 58” free range Kudu.
Took this guy bedded at 416 yards from a built up seating position off of a downsloping hillside. Thanks for the training and please pass along my thanks to AJ, Dave, and Fredo. I definitely want to get back soon.
8.5 days in we connected. I cannot tell you how much SAAM has helped over the years. It was a great adventure. Thanks again for SAAM team members.
Shot 39” Mt Nyala at 437 and dropped in his tracks. Thank y’all very much for confidence to take that shot. No way to get any closer.
Thanks for teaching an old bow hunter how to shoot a rifle. Both first shot kills. The leopard never budged and the Buffalo went 80 yards
I could perform that shot thanks to the self-confidence that I had thanks to the knowledge learned in the SAAM course,. Take care and keep in touch