Joshua M

Joshua M

I took this mule deer at 720 yards with a 338 Lapua that had been Ackley Improved. I missed the first shot, but corrected for wind and killed him with the second. My dad took his antelope at 450 yards with 1 shot with his own rifle in the same cartridge.


SAAM Testimonials

Jay Townsend

Jay Townsend

Free range Aoudad. 625 yards ,,, one and done. Hill Country 300 Win Mag. Great hardware and FTW training – great combo.




It was more than the thrill of getting such a great elk I was particularly proud of the shot.” To me, having the skill to place the shot perfectly through hear and lungs was far more important than having such a great bull. It was 280 yards and that big beautiful animal was dead long before he fell over, he never moved more than 5 feet.




“My first African safari consisted of 21 days in Moyowosi and 7 days in Masailand, Tanzania. Not exactly an “entry level” safari. This once in a lifetime experience tested every skill developed and practiced at SAAM Precision and Safari training. The result was 19 species taken, no missed opportunities, one elated client hunter, and two very happy PH’s and hunting crews. Executed 300 – 500 yard shots on topi, zebra, hartebeest, eland and oryx, along with plenty of up close and timing critical shots at leopard, buffalo, sable, roan, kudus, etc. SAAM training made a huge difference towards my level of success and enjoyment of this amazing adventure.




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“I have hunted in Africa for nine years and have hunted all of both the Big Five and Dangerous Seven. Prior to each hunt I attended either a SAMM or Precision Shooting Course at FTW ranch. Without a doubt these courses are the best preparatory steps I have taken to ensure multiple, successful African Safari experiences, and I feel confident in my skill with a rifle. On my most recent hunt my PH commented on how my shooting skills have increased over the years. He was especially impressed that all the animals taken down during the most recent safari were one shot kills.”

SAAM Testimonials SAAM Testimonials SAAM TestimonialsLarry

Bell Family

Bell Family

The Bell Family have been coming to the FTW for quite some time, and no matter how many times we have been there, we always have fun and learn something new!

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