by FTW SAAM | Testimonials
Hope all is well back at SAAM. Had a wonderful and interesting MuskOx hunt in Greenland. Made a perfect shot at 176 yards with my .375, it was a good stalk. Have been practicing all most every day with my .22mag. However I am worried about the Marco Polo, a guy we met on the Greenland trip said he had to shoot his out at 536 yards. So when I come next Spring I really want to focus on those 500 yard shots. That hunt is in December 2020. Somehow shooting a ‘gong’ at 500 yards does not translate into shooting an animal at 500 yards in my head yet. Best wishes to my SAAM family. Siri
by FTW SAAM | Testimonials
I came to the FTW/SAAM Course and left feeling better than I can even tell you. Outfitter says it’s been a long time since someone shot that well and he has hosted some of the biggest names in the industry. Literally every animal dropped where it stood. Thank you so much to you and your team,

by FTW SAAM | Testimonials
Hello FTW! It was a great trip. First buffalo was a good, fast stalk, got in front of the herd, about a 90-100 yds with the Lott. The Impala, a pretty long shot (for me at least, with a big caliber) with the 375, 225-250 yds. The second buffalo was a dugga boy in the thicker stuff, about 100 yds with the Lott. He was bigger, older, better horns, warier, and a much longer stalk, maybe about 3 hours. My thanks to you guys for helping me to get ready for those quick shots off the sticks! Hope everybody is well at the ranch. Best always, Raymond
by FTW SAAM | Testimonials
Wanted to drop you, Dave, and Doug (and the rest of the team at FTW) a quick note. Just got home from a Dall Sheep hunt in the North West Territory and took this amazing 11 year old ram….to say it was an incredible hunt would be an understatement! There is no question in my mind that without the training I have had over the years at the SAAM Course I would have NEVER made the shot…the ram was 458 yards away and the shot to distance was 426. I had to build my base in a bolder pile and could only get in the sitting position….used all the training from SAAM. This was a shot I would have never taken before going through the training with y’all but I had the confidence and there was no question I was going to execute….the round literally hit him perfect through the shoulder and I followed up with a second shot that also went right where it was supposed to (Doug, you would be happy – I didn’t even come off the scope). Thanks again guys….I don’t want to sound like a “cheap ad” for SAAM just telling the facts here of what happened…..the value of this course is absolute…..really looking forward to getting back out there in November!!

by FTW SAAM | Testimonials
Leopard Charge ! My SAAM training kept me cool under pressure while on safari recently. I was on my third try for leopard and using a pack of hounds to hunt Zimbabwe’s cattle killing leopards. We got in too close and the cat charged! Many thanks to Tim and Doug for my SAAM training that was incredibly valuable on this safari. It may have saved my life! Philip Glass

by FTW SAAM | Testimonials
Madison turned 18 today. Thanks SAAM for making it one she will never forget. Only needed her “first shot”