by FTW SAAM | Testimonials
Just got back from an exciting adventure in Russia. They do things a little different there, but the hunting is certainly not boring! The SAAM training helped me to stay calm and focused while charging after my bear. Loading the gun properly and safely is tough to do while running! Then being able to shoot a large bruin at a full bore run. I was able “To Fall To The Level Of My Training”. A very successful single shot kill. Thanks again and always for what you all do there at SAAM! Never in my wildest dreams would I be going on these adventures without the training you provide. Our Best to you all. See you in April, (again!)
Don & Deb
by FTW SAAM | Testimonials
Two tough shots but thanks to FTW they were on. It confirms to me why I continue to come to FTW—getting on the sticks in a very quick moment, making a great shot, reloading quickly and instantly getting another one in him. There was NO time to “think” about what I was doing—it just came naturally. THAT would never have happened had it not been for FTW. Thanks everyone!

by FTW SAAM | Testimonials
Been having a awesome time in Macedonia with our friend Klemens. Thanks to my friends at FTW!!!
Larry B.

by FTW SAAM | Testimonials
Hunting in the Himalayan Mountains of Nepal was truly a once in a lifetime adventure. Shot a Blue Sheep on Day 6 (350 yds), a Tahr on Day 9 (325 yds) and a Muntjac on Day 7 (220 yds). They all dropped in their tracks with one shot. Skills learned and practiced at SAAM Precision were key to me confidently making these shots. Thanks SAAM!!

by FTW SAAM | Testimonials
Thanks SAAM! Worked perfectly, 325 yards and a perfect shot!
by FTW SAAM | Testimonials
SAAM I had a great time hunting the Sierra Nevada, Ronda and finally Beceite ibex. My Ronda and Beceite ibex shots were at “reasonable” distances (under 300 meters), resulting in one-shot kills with my 270 WSM. However, I only had shots well over 500 meters for the Sierra Nevada ibex. Thanks SAAM!!!!