

Had to write and say thanks. Just got back from Northern Nevada in the Ruby mountains on a mule deer hunt. Ended up being only one in the camp since everyone else tagged out earlier in the week. I get there and have 6 guides!! Long story short….a 480 yd shot rang true on the 5×4 Trump Buck thanks to you all. Trump was in Elko same day as we got him. No pressure felt even with….6 guides in spotters and video. Felt like I was filming a Nat Geo special!!! Thanks for that confidence! I didn’t tell them that I had any instruction before the shot….by golly they all wanted to know about y’all afterward though! Again, I certainly appreciate the FTW schooling! 480 yds brought me more happiness than you can imagine on multiple levels. My gratitude is deeper than you will know for my time there. Best wishes…Doc
Tim and Gina

Tim and Gina

Tim and I preach the FTW/SAAM gospel everywhere we go and our PH’s are always impressed. I always hear y’all in my head saying “squeeeeeeeeze” when I take my shots. Thank You SAAM Team! Tim and Gina

Testimonial Tim and Gina Testimonial Tim and Gina Testimonial Tim and Gina



Good afternoon Tim! Once again, thanks for all the lessons/ my time at FTW has transformed my hunting! Technique, discipline and confidence-a recipe for success! Look forward to seeing y’all in November! Ken



FTW works, everyone should go to SAAM!! I hunted 8 days and I got in the last hour. Thanks SAAM!!! Dan



I think that every hunter who is going on a hunt where a long distance shot may be required should take a SAAM Course. The rifles and ammunition get a lot better and the hunter has to keep up with it. Manfred



I am just returning from an elk hunt and shot this nice bull at 430 yards. Thanks to my SAAM training I was very confident and managed to take him down with a single shot from my Blaser R8 .300 Win Mag.
Once again thanks for all your guidance!
Best regards, Eduardo

Testimonial Eduardo