Tim and Gina
Tim and I preach the FTW/SAAM gospel everywhere we go and our PH’s are always impressed. I always hear y’all in my head saying “squeeeeeeeeze” when I take my shots. Thank You SAAM Team! Tim and Gina

Good afternoon Tim! Once again, thanks for all the lessons/ my time at FTW has transformed my hunting! Technique, discipline and confidence-a recipe for success! Look forward to seeing y’all in November! Ken

FTW works, everyone should go to SAAM!! I hunted 8 days and I got in the last hour. Thanks SAAM!!! Dan

I think that every hunter who is going on a hunt where a long distance shot may be required should take a SAAM Course. The rifles and ammunition get a lot better and the hunter has to keep up with it. Manfred

I am just returning from an elk hunt and shot this nice bull at 430 yards. Thanks to my SAAM training I was very confident and managed to take him down with a single shot from my Blaser R8 .300 Win Mag.
Once again thanks for all your guidance!
Best regards, Eduardo