

See attached from my hunt in the NWT. I recall thinking of the steps 1. Build House 2. ARM, etc. Once I got into place the ram was bedded and I was able to build my house, got steady hold, sight focus, etc. It’s amazing how going through the steps just slows everything down a little to compose yourself to make an accurate shot. The caribou was a little different story as it happened fast on the last day but instinct took over and I still went through everything. Even stopped to grab a pack to rest my rifle on once it starting getting out a little too far. Took the sheep at 225 yds and the caribou at 350 yds. Just wanted to thank you for all the instruction and support that helped make this hunt successful. See you at the sheep show. Darin

Testimonial Darin

Dr. Greg Cheek

Dr. Greg Cheek

Having taken the SAAM course on four separate occasions has given me the skills and confidence to make kill shots in varied environments and distances on over 300 animals. Thanks Tim and staff for all your help!!! Dr. Greg Cheek

Max Prasac

Max Prasac

I am so glad I was able to visit FTW last year as it helped me prepare for this hunt. Thank you SAAM!
Max Prasac,
Outdoor Writer, Author and Handgun Hunter

Testimonial Max Testimonial Max Prasac

Max Prasac


Thanks SAAM and thanks also for all the help with the new card for this hunt…..39 3/4….9-10 year old….really happy with him. Joe


Testimonial Max Testimonial Max

Michael Bane

Michael Bane

“South Africa last week…13 stalks, about 14 miles of walking! I can’t thank you guys enough for the safari training! Your moving buffalo target… A LOT like the Real Thing! Look forward to seeing you all soon!” Michael Bane FLYING DRAGON LTD



I just returned from my safari and wanted to share a few photos and say thank you for all of the training. Most of my shots were in the 300 to 400 yard range with about half of those off of sticks, including a kudu at 340 yards! I took 11 animals in total and except for the waterbuck, all were taken with one-shot.
My PH was very impressed with my training and I owe all of that to you and the team at FTW. I look forward to visiting the ranch again soon!

Testimonial Chris Testimonial Chris