Richard Ellis

Richard Ellis

I had a great time at the last SAAM class & am looking forward to next year. I’m sending a belated update on the nilgai hunt that I had the week following the class. It was a great success. Please pass on my thanks to the team. I dropped a nilgai cow at 170 yds very early on the first evening of hunting. Shot through the heart.  I decided to hunt a waterbuck doe the next day. Dropped at 230 yds, also through the heart. Looking forward to seeing you all soon.


Bob Braubach

Hunting wolves in Alberta in March 2023 in the winter requires good equipment and attire, preparation, and an experienced guide who knows the area, such as Troy Foster of Northern Alberta Outfitters. I got this wolf on a frozen lake area from a well-concealed blind with bait that attracted ravens and eagles.  I had this beautiful blue/silver charcoal wolf come by giving me an opportunity to take a successful shot at 200 yards. Like you learn at SAAM, the first shot counts, particularly with a wolf.

Randy Bade

Randy Bade


After all these years, SAAM is still paying off!  Our safari in South Africa was an exceptional trip.  All of the trophies were taken with “only one first shot”! Thanks again for the training and the great memories it helps me attain.

John Justus

John Justus

To Everyone at FTW, words can’t describe how appreciative I am of the outstanding instruction I received when I attended the SAAM Precision Rifle Course. Attached is a picture of the Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep I took in Utah that completed my Grand Slam of North American Wild Sheep.  When it came time to make the shot it all came together just like you taught me – 450 yards with a steep uphill angle.  One shot and the ram was down. As you know, there is a lot of pressure in a situation like this.  You have a lot of money invested in a tag, outfitter fees, travel, etc.  Plus, you don’t have many chances when you are sheep hunting.  You just can’t afford a miss or worse to wound a sheep. It’s good to know that despite that pressure, the fundamentals I learned at the Precision Rifle Course are so imbedded (I can recite them from memory) that I had such confidence I could make the shot.  The credit all goes to the folks at FTW. Tim, thank you enough for creating such a fantastic facility to learn, the great instructors, and of course, a special thanks to the ladies who keep it all running.  I can’t wait to get back to FTW.”

Katie Goggans

Katie Goggans

Thank you so much!  This is the shot I mentioned in New Zealand with Don, 385 yards downhill in wind.  Never would’ve tried without y’all’s training.