Where do I begin…the FTW SAAM training has changed my life. I am what you would call a “new hunter” only for the past seven years have I begun this epic adventure. I chose to start out doing what I consider the “right way” – learning from the best! The FTW teaching staff have brought me from a novice uneducated hunter to now being able to accomplish what ever goal I set for myself and the confidence to know I am ready. I could not have been so successful on all of my world hunts but most especially on this recent mountain goat hunt in Alaska had it not been for the exceptional teaching and training I received from FTW. These guys go above and beyond to help me learn and grow as a hunter. Not only was I prepared for any distance shot – I was prepared for weather, steep terrain, and wind conditions, and they even helped me with the mental side of being prepared, and I knew my equipment was in perfect working order to make the one shot kill. Thank you again FTW SAAM! With kind regards Margaret