Overcoming fear is one of the ways I got to the FTW Ranch. The real reason I went is because I was invited by a dear friend. However, I really wanted to know how to work a gun. I mean really work it, not have to think about it… know exactly what to do when I grabbed it. I had a slight encounter with a bear the summer before, and my weapon of choice was a ski pool, because I had no idea what to do with the gun by our door. I took my .308 to FTW I was scared of recoil. Go figure. When I closed the gate, leaving the ranch my tears fell in the dirt. I couldn’t be more grateful. I overcame a fear. My FTW Hunter is powerful enough to get most any job done I’ll ever need. When I carry it, it’s like having a friend with me. It’s like having my story with me. It reminds me how far I’ve come. I’m grateful for the people, the places and the things that help me along the way. Thank you to FTW ranch, Tim Fallon and the guys, for preparing my heart, my mind and my abilities for the most rich, deep experiences of my life. Sheila Larsson


Testimonial Sheila Larsson Testimonial Sheila Larsson Testimonial Sheila Larsson Testimonial Sheila Larsson